Who am I?

Welcome to my Website,

My name is Alex Wander, I’m an Adventure and Outdoors Products Photographer based in Italy.

My main true passions are live out with nature, Knifemaking which brought me to start the WANDERTACTICAL knife company with my brother Greymoose Dino 6 years ago and last but not least Photography that allowed me to express my vision and write what I call, “The Wanderers Diary”.

The love for travels and nature has always been my drive force to develop my passions.

I grew up in a Small Village in the Italian countryside, so I spent a lot of time in nature running through cultivated fields, playing hide and seek in the woods and enjoying a beautiful and simple rural life where the only attraction was nature, and I think it helped me a lot to grow my creativity strongly connected with the natural world.

My Parents were addicted travellers so I’ve been so blessed to start travelling overseas Since I was very young, actually my first trip overseas happened 30 years ago, I was only 13 years old.

My parents always wanted to show me how big this world is and understand all the different cultures and the so many ways of living there were in this world.

Cuba, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Thailand to name a few.

I think this chance of traveling since the early age, all the different people I’ve met , all the “strange food” eaten, the beautiful places I’ve been and my parents teaching shaped my persona, it’s been the best school I’ve ever had the chance to attend.

Growing Up, the love for Nature brought me to study Bushcraft, Survival, Land Navigation, Plant identification and many others Subjects that also led me to attend several classes over more than 12 years from some of the well know schools in my country as well as in the USA, plus the necessity to find my way to express my creativity led me to try as many different ways to do it, one of them has been music.

I’ve been a Drum Player for almost 18 years, what I great time! I mostly Played Progressive Death Metal Music, a kind of genre where I’ve always had the freedom to express my art.

Here’s the link of my main band of brothers: AGONY FACE

My interest for Photography started 12 years ago, at the start was just the necessity to crystalize moments, record achievements while I was playing music or record my progress regarding outdoors skills.

I think that my father’s passion for photography affected me a bit too,.

We actually had a tradition at that time, every Saturday we used to have a dinner togheter while watching diapositives of our past trips with our slide projector.

Learning Photography skills was becoming a strong necessity and, moving from Cellphone Photography to a more professional one, was a natural step.

Composition, White Balance, Colouring, Perspective, Light managing were the first things that I got into it and the tons of practice brought me to create my photography, of course as a never-ending student I will never stop learning and crafting my vision and my art.

the Love for movies affected my style too, Action Movies, Western Movies and lots of Horror Movies

affected my style for sure.

7 Years ago I had this idea to start traveling alone through remote places overseas as well as explore all the small tiny less beaten places my country has to offer. It’s been an overwhelming experience.

Being by yourself in remote places for 15, 20 days, no matter the weather, with minimal gear and small amount of food helped me to understand my inner self better , it made me more resilient, more focused and it also helped me to reorganise my priorities in life.

As an Adventure and Outdoors Gear Photographer, it also helped me to become more prolific and fast while I’m working for a client , producing Unique high Qualty Stills thanks also to my location scouting skills that I’ve acquired during all my experience.

Here’s a couple of articles about me on:

Almost two years ago II had the chance to meet one of the most beautiful human being which is also an amazing filmmaker and photographer, Erika Bastogi.

We now often work togheter to craft stills and videos that portray the beautiful places we explore, and the outdoors brands we work with.

It’s definitely priceless to find someone so special that share the same passion you have for nature and adventure’s travels. I just can’t wait to share, not only all the upcoming adventures, but my entire life with her.

Feel free to Check out her Website here : ERIKA BASTOGI WEBSITE


Outdoors Knives, Keep them Sharpen